Local Voice is the first user led organisation to engage and support resident voice in public policy.
Our Community Insights System tracks service satisfaction over time across the integrated care system taking into account demographic segmentation, social inequalities and the wider determinants of health and wellbeing. We have over ten years of experience in generating insights and community intelligence in public services, including healthcare and social care.
We support local residents to gather and analyse community insights and work together with stakeholders -including local Healthwatch, NHS trusts, primary care alliances, commissioners, local authorities and the voluntary sector- to design services to create equal outcomes for everyone.
We bring local people's voices into all aspects of strategy, policy-making, commissioning and quality improvement by providing a solid evidence base of user needs and experience. We offer data-driven, community-informed solutions, using regular trends reports to measure progress over time, including a comprehensive look at the wider determinants of health and at inequalities between different groups.
In this way, we empower policymakers and service providers to better understand local population health and the different needs of specific groups, in order to design solutions that genuinely respond to everybody's needs, leaving no-one behind.