
We have extensive experience of working with Primary Care Networks, NHS Trusts, Place Based Partnerships and local authorities to understand local population health and patient experience. Based on this expertise, we can offer data-informed recommendations for genuine quality improvement and bring local people's voice to the table in co=producing services.

Our approach


The Good Care Framework

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The good care framework has been developed based directly on what local people have told us.

In the summer of 2023, as part of The Big Conversation Project, we asked over 1000 local people open-ended questions about what good health and care means to them and  what makes the difference between good care and inadequate care. We found that good care is accessible, competent, person-centred and trustworthy.  We also looked at the wider issues that impact good care at a society level.

The resulting framework is now extensively used in North East London to measure success for a wide range of services.

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Our Community Insights System underpins our entire approach, including all of our reports and our representation functions. e We engage with diverse communities, including seldom heard groups; we use advanced theming, qualitative analysis and advanced  demographic data segmentation.  

What we can do for you

  • We move away from a one size fits all approach to health and social care and allows services to plan more effectively for personalised and self-care.  
  • We take a detailed look at intersectionality e.g., Black African LGBTQ young women; isolated white older working-class men; or Muslim residents with a mental health condition.  
  • We ensure the appropriate breakdown of groups in the population based on need and support rather than on assumptions or pre-defined categories.
  • We examine patient journeys and care pathways in order to understand how provision of some services can have a knock-on effect on others.
  • We use standardised question sets, in order to build larger evidence bases over time or across regions; and to make pertinent comparisons. 
  • We formulate specific, achievable, data-informed recommendations for  quality improvement, supporting local people to co-produce the services they use.
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Our team were 2021 Healthwatch England award winners for Integrated Care System collaboration;  working across eight different Healthwatch in North East London, together with the newly formed North East London Integrated Care Board and other key stakeholders including local authorities, primary care providers and NHS hospital trusts operating in all eight boroughs.

Our work has influenced the communication strategy for the Covid-19 vaccine rollout, the implementation of accessible information standard for disabled residents, and co-designing of improvements to GP access and communication. 

Find out more about our achievements!

If you are a local authority, a GP federation, NHS trust, social care provider, local Healthwatch or third sector organisation looking to work better within your Integrated Care System (ICS)or to develop place-based partnerships, we can do the following for you:

  • Co-ordinating engagement and insights reporting to influence the regional health system and to share research and engagement resources.   
  • Producing regular Trends Analysis reports across the integrated care pathway , providing you with insights on the efficacity and impact of any improvement measures you are implementing.
  • Devising data-informed, locally co-produced recommendations for ICS partners; providing evidence and representation to co-design programmes.
  • Supporting partners and stakeholders to provide direct access to our Community Insights system directly through providing training to staff members; this provides a valuable independent source of data that can be triangulated with other sources.
  • Supporting increased resident insight sharing and  GDPR-compliant data sharing between partners, in order to develop larger evidence bases and provide more sophisticated insights on things like inequalities and differences in the needs of different groups.
  • Supporting partners -such as Council teams, local Healthwatch and NHS bodies- to aggregate data/ collect data and create datasets which are compatible with each other.
  • Training and development of your Board members, staff and volunteers to represent resident voice and participate in co-design programmes.
Interested? Contact us!