We have extensive experience of working with Primary Care Networks, NHS Trusts, Place Based Partnerships and local authorities to understand local population health and patient experience. Based on this expertise, we can offer data-informed recommendations for genuine quality improvement and bring local people's voice to the table in co=producing services.
Our approach

The Good Care Framework

The good care framework has been developed based directly on what local people have told us.
In the summer of 2023, as part of The Big Conversation Project, we asked over 1000 local people open-ended questions about what good health and care means to them and what makes the difference between good care and inadequate care. We found that good care is accessible, competent, person-centred and trustworthy. We also looked at the wider issues that impact good care at a society level.
The resulting framework is now extensively used in North East London to measure success for a wide range of services.

Our Community Insights System underpins our entire approach, including all of our reports and our representation functions. e We engage with diverse communities, including seldom heard groups; we use advanced theming, qualitative analysis and advanced demographic data segmentation.
What we can do for you

Our team were 2021 Healthwatch England award winners for Integrated Care System collaboration; working across eight different Healthwatch in North East London, together with the newly formed North East London Integrated Care Board and other key stakeholders including local authorities, primary care providers and NHS hospital trusts operating in all eight boroughs.
Our work has influenced the communication strategy for the Covid-19 vaccine rollout, the implementation of accessible information standard for disabled residents, and co-designing of improvements to GP access and communication.
If you are a local authority, a GP federation, NHS trust, social care provider, local Healthwatch or third sector organisation looking to work better within your Integrated Care System (ICS)or to develop place-based partnerships, we can do the following for you: